Temporary Closure of B3098 (part) West Lavington and Market Lavington

B3098 (Part), West Lavington and Market Lavington; from outside its property known as Cornbury Mill for a distance of approximately 70m in an easterly direction.


September 2024
image of roadworks sign

Wiltshire Council 

Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 

Temporary Closure of: B3098 (Part), West Lavington and Market Lavington (Ref: TTRO 9698) 

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: 

B3098 (Part), West Lavington and Market Lavington; from outside its property known as Cornbury Mill for a distance of approximately 70m in an easterly direction. 

To enable: D.R.Groundworks Ltd to carry out night closure to plane off and resurface existing carriageway following new traffic light crossing and access to new development. 

Alternative route: via B3098 (unaffected length) – Spin Hill – Ledge Hill – Broadway – A360 and vice versa. 

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. 

This Order will come into operation on 09 September 2024 and the closure will be required between the hours of 19:00 and 01:00 for 4 nights. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months. 

For further information please D.R.Groundworks Ltd on 02380 268083. 

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN 

06 September 2024

Temporary Closure of B3098 (part) West Lavington

B3098 (part) West Lavington


July 2024
image of roadworks sign

Wiltshire Council 

Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 

Temporary Closure of: B3098 (Part), West Lavington (Ref: TTRO 9589) 

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: 

B3098 (Part), West Lavington; from outside its property known as East Sands for a distance of approximately 150m in an easterly direction. 

To enable: Wessex Water to carry out replace faulty meter and other associated works. 

Alternative route: via B3098 (unaffected length) – A342 – A361 – A350 – B3098 (unaffected length) and vice versa. 

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. 

This Order will come into operation on 29 July 2024 and the closure will be required for 3 days. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months. 

For further information please contact Wessex Water on 0345 6004600. 

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN 

26 July 2024

Temporary closure of B3098 (part) West Lavington

B3098 (Part) West Lavington


July 2024
image of roadworks sign

Wiltshire Council Section 

14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 

Temporary Closure of: B3098 (Part), West Lavington (Ref: TTRO 9575) 

Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: 

B3098 (Part), West Lavington; from its junction with A360 for a distance of approximately 720m in a westerly direction. 

To enable: Openreach to carry out pole testing. 

Alternative route: via A360 – A303 – A36 – A350 – Westbury Road and vice versa. 

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. 

This Order will come into operation on 21 July 2024 and the closure will be required between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30 for 1 day. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months. 

For further information please contact Openreach on 0370 050 0792. 

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN 12 July 2024

Carriageway repair works Kings Road

Kings Road


July 2024
image of roadworks sign


As consultant representative for Wiltshire Council, I write to inform you of carriageway repair works programmed on KINGS ROAD (SHARP BEND TO 30 MPH) EASTERTON MARKET LAVINGTON.

These works involve surface dressing works, adjustment of ironwork, reinstatement of road markings and associated maintenance works.

The works will commence on Wednesday the 10th of July 2024 and will be completed by Friday the 12th of July 2024 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00, however on occasions they may over run due to uncontrollable circumstances such as plant breakdowns, if weather conditions are unfavourable, or occasionally we discover the need for additional repairs once the work has started. There will be advance information signs erected on site giving confirmed start dates.

Due to the nature of the works and the local environment, the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health & safety is maintained for the contractor & local residents.

Road Markings and Ironwork adjustments may need to be completed at a later date.

The Contractor will maintain pedestrian access for residents for the duration of the works; but depending upon what operation is being undertaken and where it’s being undertaken residents may find that when accessing or egressing from their property in their vehicle, they may experience a delay and have to wait for plant to be moved out of the carriageway. I have suggested to residents that when leaving their property, to allow extra time for any possible delays and when returning to their property, there will be traffic management operatives located at the extents of the works, to speak to them, explain where they live, and they will be able to assist.

There will be points during the material laying process where vehicular access will be restricted as residents won’t be able to drive over the newly laid material, as early trafficking could lead to premature failure, therefore I have recommended to residents that if works are being undertaken in the vicinity of their property to speak to the workforce in advance to ask if there will be any restrictions with regards to access.

Advanced signing will be erected, and letter drops to all residents located within the site extents will commence week starting 24th of June 2024. Signing will be in place advising that local businesses will be open as usual.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience these works will cause but trust you will appreciate the necessity for these essential works to maintain Wiltshire's highway network. Should you require any further information in advance of the works please refer to (https://one.network/?tmi=GB32287476). If you wish to discuss the works whilst they are in operation, please speak to a member of the workforce who will direct you to the appropriate person on site.

Your Local Link Scheme needs you


August 2023
image of Link Scheme logo

Your local Link Scheme needs you

Demand for our service is growing and we urgently need new volunteers to support the service

If you could spare some time, or for more information 

please contact us: 01380 722 241 

Email: linkproject@communityfirst.org.uk

Old School - Ideal party venue

Church Street, Market Lavington


May 2022
Old School Now Open Notice

The Old School provides the ideal venue for parties and other family celebrations, as well as meetings, clubs, and other regular activities. Please contact the Parish Clerk for more information. 

Census Day is 21st March - Important videos



March 2021
Banner with Census 2021

Two important and useful videos have been published by the Government.

On the subject of accessibility https://census.gov.uk/assets/Accessibility_longform-film_English.mp4

On the subject of Self-Identification https://census.gov.uk/assets/Self_Identification-film-1080x1080_English.mp4

Census Day is 21st March. Have you received your census letter?



March 2021
Banner with Census 2021

Over the next week or so you will be sent a letter asking you to take part in the Census 2021 - the once-in-a-decade survey that gives the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941.

Census day is on Sunday 21 March, but households will now be receiving letters explaining how to complete your forms. You will receive a 16-character access code which you will need to complete the census. Remember not to share this code with anyone else. 

You can complete your census form on Sunday 21 March or as soon as possible thereafter. 

If you don’t receive your letter in the next couple of weeks, please call the census contact centre on 0800 141 2021. 

You can also request a paper questionnaire if you’d prefer to complete your census that way. 

For more information, and to find out how to get help, visit census.gov.uk or call the contact centre on 0800 141 2021.

Wiltshire Best Kept Village Competition 2021

Market Lavington


March 2021
Images of villages in front of village sign.  Idyllic village scenes of Wiltshire.  Poster advertising Wiltshire best kept village

The Parish Council has received a formal invitation from CPRE & The Hills Group to enter the village into the Wiltshire Best Kept Village Competition 2021.If you would like to be part of the organising team or participate in any way, please contact the Parish Clerk - Carol Hackett at clerk@marketlavingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk. Deadline for expressions of interest Friday March 19th 2021.

Targeted COVID-19 rapid community testing continues



February 2021
Notice header titled Covid-19 Community testing for asymptomatic people

Targeted COVID-19 rapid community testing continues – you can now book appointments at Devizes, Salisbury and Chippenham

Our roll out of the government’s rapid COVID-19 community testing initiative locally to help drive down transmission rates continues, with bookings now being taken for the Chippenham centre.

The programme, in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, is specifically aimed at asymptomatic people at small businesses who cannot work from home, and private early years settings and childminders. Eligible people will take a Lateral Flow Test.

You can book a test at our centres at Devizes Leisure Centre, Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre in Salisbury and now Monkton Park in Chippenham. Another centre will open in due course in Trowbridge but for the time being you can only book a place at Devizes, Salisbury and Chippenham.

The centres cannot accept people dropping in, and everyone must book an appointment and not have any symptoms of COVID-19.

The self-administered test should take no more than 15 minutes and results should be known within half an hour.

This is not to be confused with surge testing. Surge testing is increased testing (including door-to-door testing) and enhanced contact tracing in specific locations in England and is not currently taking place in Wiltshire.

Free testing continues to be available to everyone in Wiltshire who has COVID-19 symptoms – high temperature, continuous cough or loss of/change in taste or smell. You should go online or call 119 to book a test in that instance.

Anyone who receives a positive Lateral Flow Test result automatically activates legal obligations to self-isolate, and may also claim for a Test and Trace payment if they are eligible.

You can book your place on our website, where you will also find additional information, including FAQs.

Wiltshire COVID-19 Public update - Live! from 5.30pm on Tuesday 2 March



February 2021
Text box notification of public meeting 2nd March 5:30pm

We will be hosting another COVID-19 public update webinar from 5.30pm on Tuesday 2 March, to provide the latest update on COVID-19 in Wiltshire and to answer your questions.

Wiltshire Council Leader Cllr Philip Whitehead will be joined by Terence Herbert, Chief Executive of Wiltshire Council, and Kate Blackburn, Director of Public Health for Wiltshire, to help guide you through the latest information and regulations.

The broadcast will be an opportunity to hear about the latest rates of COVID-19 cases in Wiltshire, the arrangements in place to mitigate the spread of the virus and how the council is continuing to support residents and businesses at this time.

You can submit your questions about COVID-19 and the local response in advance by emailing communications@wiltshire.gov.uk no later than 12 noon on Monday 1 March.

The live briefing will be broadcast via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 2 March.

Road Closure Reminder: Church Street & High Street Market Lavington 4th - 9th March 09:30 - 15:30 weekdays only

Market Lavington


February 2021
Image of word Roadworks superimposed over roadroller on road surface.

Church Street & High Street Market Lavington will be closed to ALL traffic from 4th March - 9th March between 09:30 and 15:30 (weekdays only). Wiltshire Council will carry out footway resurfacing, kerbing and other associated works.

Parking bays are suspended along the route. Please observe these suspensions.

Urgent Roadworks Advance Notice. High Street (B3098), Market Lavington 120m east of Drove Lane. Tomorrow Wednesday 18th February

Market Lavington


February 2021
Roadworks sign with traffic light sign behind in distance and a car to the right.

Scottish and Southern Power Distribution will be carrying out tree cutting around 11kv powerlines aprox. 120m east of the junction with Drove Lane.

Two-way traffic signals will be in operation. Delays possible.

Families urged to keep following the rules and stay safe this half term



February 2021
Not everyone can form a support bubble graphic from Wilts Council

We are urging parents, children and young people to continue to follow social distancing guidance during the half term holidays.

During half term, parents can form a childcare bubble for a child under 14, with one other household, ideally who live locally. The childcare bubble is for childcare only and should not be used to mix with another household for social reasons.

A childcare bubble is different to a support bubble which is a support network linking two households. You can only form a support bubble if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You live by yourself
  • You have a child under one
  • You're a single adult living with one or more children under 18
  • You're the only adult in your household not in need of continuous care
  • You have a child under 5 with a disability who requires continuous care

You're aged 16 or 17 living with others of the same age and without any adults

Full Guidance for half term

Urgent Closure of: C20 (Part) Cheverell Road, WORTON 11th Feb 2021



February 2021
Picture of front of road roller with the words roadworks superimposed

Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Urgent Closure of: C20 (Part) Cheverell Road, WORTON

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on 11th February 2021, the following length of road shall be closed to all traffic in the interests of public safety to enable Wiltshire Council to carry out Carriageway resurfacing and associated works.

C20 (Part) Cheverell Road, WORTON; from its junction with West End to its junction with A360.

Alternative route: via C20 (unaffected length) - A361 A360 - and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

These works will commence on 11th February 2021 and are anticipated to be required for one day between the hours of 09:00 and 15:00. This Notice will have a maximum duration of 5 days.

For further information regarding these works please contact Davina Hone 01225 730376 Wiltshire Council

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Invitation to Devizes Police Neighbourhood Team's Virtual Engagement drop-in session 10th Feb at 10am

Devizes & District


February 2021
Badge / logo of Wiltshire Police

Please join the Devizes Neighbourhood team on Wednesday 10th February between 10am and midday for a virtual engagement drop in session.

Officers and PCSOs will be available to answer questions or discuss any problems or queries you may have in your area. You can contact us via Facebook (Devizes Police),Twitter (@DevizesPolice) and community messaging or you can email us at DevizesAreaCPT@wiltshire.police.uk. If you would like us to call you directly during the engagement please leave your contact details so we can phone you during the session.

If you do not have email or social media please call 101 and ask for an email to be sent to the Devizes Area CPT inbox with your name and phone number and we will call you back on 10th February between 10am and midday.

Advance Notice of Road Closure - Church Street and High Street, Market Lavington 4th March - 9th March (weekdays only) 09:30 - 15:30

Market Lavington


January 2021
Roadroller with the words roadworks superimposed

Wiltshire Council

Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Temporary Closure of: B3098 (Part), Market Lavington (Ref: TTRO 7009)

Notice is hereby given that Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic:

B3098 (Part), Market Lavington; from its junction with Grove Road to its junction with Fiddington Clay.

To enable: Wiltshire Council to carry out footway resurfacing, kerbing and other associated works.

Alternative route: via B3098 (unaffected length – A360 - A342 and vice versa.

Alternative route HGV's: via B3098 (unaffected length) – C40 High Street / Cheverell Road – A360 – A342 and vice versa.

The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This Order will come into operation on 04 March 2021 and the closure will be required weekdays between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30 until 09 March 2021. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months.

For further information please contact Kirsty Smith of Wiltshire Council on 01225 730366.

Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

25 February 2021

Devizes Gateway Rail Station - Have Your Say



January 2021
Devizes Gateway sign superimposed over image of train

The Department for Transport is funding a study into the potential for a new rail station called Devizes Gateway, just over 3 miles from Devizes Market Place, to serve the #Devizes area.

What do you think of the proposals?

More info & have your say here

Get prepared for Census 2021



January 2021
Woman in purple in dress shirt

The census is a survey that happens every 10 years and gives the Government a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The census is unique. There’s simply nothing else that gives so much detail about us and the society we live in.

All kinds of organisations, from local authorities to charities, use the information to help provide the services we all need, including transport, education and healthcare. Without the census, it would be much more difficult to do this.

By taking part, you’ll be helping make sure you and your community get the services needed now and in the future.

Census 2021 will be the first digital-first census. It’s easy to do and can be done on any device. You’ll get an access code from us at the Office for National Statistics. Simply go online and enter the code into our secure website to get started. We’ll be in contact nearer the time to let you know what you need to do.

For more information go to census.gov.uk

Major incident declared by Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum (LRF)

Swindon & Wiltshire


January 2021
Stay At Home warning

Our communities in Wiltshire and Swindon are being urged to continue adhering to the COVID19 restrictions during the current national lockdown.

Due to the announcement of a third period of national restrictions amid rising COVID19 infection rates in the county, a major incident has been declared by the Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum (LRF).

The declaration of a major incident simply ensures that all partner agencies - including local authorities, police, ambulance service, fire and local NHS services - can work more effectively and efficiently together when facing a likely rise in demand.

The relationships between agencies within the partnership have never been stronger due to the challenging nature of the last few years in the county.

The public should be reassured that each agency is doing everything they can to protect the most vulnerable in our society and help stop the spread of the virus.

Chair of the LRF, Wiltshire Police Chief Constable Kier Pritchard said: "There is no escaping the fact that the last ten months or so have been incredibly difficult for everyone and we now find ourselves in another period of national lockdown.

"We have developed outstanding relationships between our key partner agencies in the county and we all continue to support one another each day with one simple aim; to do all we can to protect our communities.

"Whether this is, for example, through my police officers engaging with the public to ensure they understand the current rules, council staff working tirelessly to support those most vulnerable in our community or our colleagues within the NHS who continue to do an incredible job caring for us all.

"I know that we are all feeling overwhelmed with information and fatigued by the restrictions which continue to limit what we can and cannot do - but we all must remember that our actions can have a real impact in ending this pandemic.

"The Government and scientists have been clear - we must all stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

"For the latest information, please visit https://crowd.in/zk2gNN

For more information about the Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum, please visit https://crowd.in/4As9el

England Now In Lockdown



January 2021
Stay At Home warning with comprehensive details

From today, you must stay at home except for a limited set of exemptions. More information below.


Wiltshire moves to Tier 3 from midnight tonight



December 2020
Tier 3 banner

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced that rising cases across England mean it is "therefore necessary to apply tier three measures more broadly".

Wiltshire will be moving to Tier 3 from one minute past midnight tomorrow morning 31st December.

For guidance on what you can and cannot do in Tier 3 areas please go to Gov.uk

Open letter from Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum

Wiltshire & Swindon


December 2020
Community Messaging with Wiltshire Police
Dear residents of Wiltshire and Swindon,

The Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum (LRF) brings together the emergency services, local authorities and other relevant partnership agencies to ensure a joined-up approach to responding to major incidents.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the LRF has been working hard to keep our communities safe during these difficult and unprecedented times.

Firstly, we want to thank you all for your continued support. It is clear that we have had huge levels of co-operation and compliance in the county with the Government's public health messaging and various restrictions, and we know that so many of you will have made personal sacrifices to help stop the spread of Covid-19.

Secondly, we want to urge you all to continue that good work over the festive period. We know that the Government's announcement about the changes to the Christmas plans will have caused disappointment for so many people, but it is clear the new restrictions are in place for an important reason and need to be followed.

We also want to make sure people understand that, as it stands currently, Swindon and Wiltshire remain at the "High Alert" Tier 2 level, meaning there will be significant limits on what you will be able to do for new year.

Currently, unless the Government makes any changes to the Tiers for our county, in Tier 2 you can only meet outdoors in a group of no more than 6, you are only allowed to meet indoors with those you live with or have formed a support bubble with, and hospitality venues must stop serving at 10pm and close at 11pm.

We hope you understand the importance of marking the new year at home with the people you live with rather than organising further celebrations.

It is clear that Covid-19 continues to pose a very real risk to us all and we need to work together to ensure our health services do not become overwhelmed by a third spike of cases in January.

Please make sure you visit www.gov.uk to keep up to date with the restrictions in place and how they may impact you and your families.

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support, it is greatly appreciated.

Stay safe.

Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum
Message sent by
Siobhan Stayt (Police, Media Officer, Wiltshire)

Young Community Minded Person of the Year award (sponsored by St. Arbucks Community café)

Market Lavington


December 2020
Image of young girl in portrait

Congratulations to Rose Kent, who has won the award this year, in recognition of the joy she has brought to elderly residents in a local care home, with her regular visits pre COVID, and keeping in contact with one resident in writing since March.

Community Minded Person of the Year award (sponsored by the Parish Council)

Market Lavington


December 2020
Image of Nicky holding an award shield in front of fireplace

Congratulations to Nicky Wragg and her late husband Steve, who have won the award this year, in recognition and appreciation of all they have done over the years, for individuals, groups, and charities in our village.

Christmas Greetings from your Parish Councillors

Market Lavington


December 2020
Collage image of parish councillors

Best wishes to everyone in Market Lavington for Christmas and the New Year. I hope that, like the councillors, even if you can't visit your friends and family you will be able to keep contact with them. 

Colin Osborn - Chairman.

Teenager suffers serious injuries being struck by van in Littleton Panell

Littleton Panell


December 2020
Image of two ambulances and a police car with a  group of people in road.

A teenage boy has been hit by a van in Littleton Panell this afternoon.

Wiltshire Air Ambulance landed near to the serious incident in Lavington Lane, Lavington School, in the village of Littleton Panell at around 2.15pm.

The 14-year-old boy has suffered potentially life-threatening head injuries and has been taken to the Regional Major Trauma Centre in Bristol.

The road has been closed in both directions whilst 999 crews work at the scene. It is likely to remain closed for several hours for a collision investigation.

Original report here

Market Lavington Community Minded Person of the Year

Market Lavington


November 2020
Market Lavington Community Minded Person of the Year

Deadline for nominations is 30th November. Please send your nominations to clerk@marketlavingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk.  Please remember to state your name, the name of the person you are nominating and the reason why you are nominating them, as well as your postcode.

Roadworks Alert - Ladywood Market Lavington 27th November - 1st December.

Market Lavington


November 2020
National Roadworks sign

Wessex Water plan to carry out works repairing/ replacing a manhole cover, frame & chamber on Ladywood between 27th November & 1st December. Delays possible.

Roadworks Alert. Church Street & The Spring, Market Lavington 25th - 27th November.

Market Lavington


November 2020
National Roadworks sign

Openreach are planning to undertake roadworks in the above area commencing 25th November for 3 days, starting on Church Street and the Junction with White Street and ending outside No.4 The Spring. Two-way traffic control will be in operation. Delays are possible. Please observe no-parking / clearway cones which may be deployed.

No Need To Speed



November 2020
Road Safety Week one in five fatal crashes

Speed is important because it plays a part in every death and injury on our roads. The formula is simple: the higher the speed the harder the crash and the greater the risk of death and injury. This year’s Road Safety Week theme, ‘No Need to Speed’, is a reminder to everyone of how the speed they travel affects other people.

St. Barnabas CEVC Primary School Christmas Raffle

Market Lavington


November 2020
Poster advertising St Barnabas CEVC Primary School's Christmas Raffle

Our school Christmas Raffle is up and running. If you would like to buy tickets for yourself or could sell on to friends, family and neighbours, please visit the school office. Good Luck!

The census is taking place in March 2021



November 2020
Census 2021 female with glasses using tablet computer.

The census is taking place in March 2021.

It’s a survey that happens every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. It helps plan and fund public services, like transport, education and healthcare.

By taking part and encouraging others to do the same, you’ll help make sure you and your community get the services you need.

Nearer the time, you’ll receive more information. There’ll be plenty of help to take part for people who need it.

Find out more at www.census.gov.uk

Follow the census





October 2020
Community messaging for Wiltshire - Keep playing your part

We are seeing a significant rise in cases in the 10 to 29 year old age range and this is now spreading into older aged people.

If we all act now we can hopefully prevent Wiltshire from moving into increased restrictions protecting our communities and our businesses.

Please keep playing your part in preventing increased restrictions.

Remembrance Sunday 8th November 2020

Market Lavington


October 2020
Poppies on crosses with the words "In Remembrance"

This year there will be no Remembrance Sunday Service in Market Lavington.

The members of the British Legion are organising a wreath laying ceremony at 11am., to which other wreath layers will be invited, respecting the rules in place on November 8th. If you would like to come and pay your respects to those who have died in war, you will be made welcome, BUT, please wear a mask and maintain safe social distancing in the graveyard.

Vandalism in the village

Market Lavington


October 2020
Call 101 Wiltshire Police

There have been recent reports of vandalism in the village.

Calling 101 won’t get an immediate response, but your reports will be recorded. In our villages and those nearby there have been cases of petty and not so petty vandalism. There has been damage to buildings, parked cars, bricks thrown through windows and spray painted tags. The more the police are aware of local trouble spots, the more likely we are to get a more regular police presence. So if you see something happening, please call 101, which is a freephone number.

Residents Urged To Be Vigilant Following Spate of Courier Fraud Incidents



October 2020
Community messaging and Wiltshire Police

Residents in East Wiltshire are being urged to be vigilant following a spate of incidents of courier fraud.

Courier fraud occurs when a fraudster contacts victims by telephone purporting to be a police officer or bank official. To gain a victim’s trust, the caller might be able to confirm some easily obtainable personal details such as their full name and address. The caller might then suggest money has been removed from their account by mistake, police need money for evidence or even need the victim to purchase an item of high price ‘evidence’.

Victims are asked to co-operate in an investigation and withdraw money from their bank, foreign currency from an exchange or handing over the expensive item to a ‘courier’ for examination. The collector of which will be a fraudster.

One incident occurred on October 13 – a 90-year-old woman from Great Bedwyn received a call from a fraudster claiming to be from Hammersmith Police Fraud Unit. He claimed her bank cards had been reproduced and encouraged her to hand over £2,200 to a courier who attended her home address.

On the same day, an 85-year-old man in Aldbourne was contacted by phone by a man claiming to be from Hammersmith Police who informed the man of a bank fraud which required him to withdraw £3,000 – the man hung up and called the police.

In another incident, a 90-year-old woman in Wootton Rivers was contacted by a man claiming to be from the Met Police advising her about money laundering and urged her to empty her account. The woman withdrew £3,000 and handed the money over to a man who attended her address.

And on October 19, an 82-year-old man in Devizes was called by a fraudster claiming to be a police officer – they instructed him to withdraw £4,600 which he did before handing it over to a courier who called at his address.

PC Emily Grigor said: “Officers are working closely with bank managers in the area to ensure protocol is followed when incidents of this nature occur and that police are informed immediately.

“We’d like to take this opportunity to remind the public that banks, police officers and other professionals will never contact you to ask for you to assist with investigations, withdraw money or purchase expensive items.

“Understandably, victims of this type of crime can feel extremely upset and sometimes embarrassed once they are aware they have fallen victim to a fraudulent phone call. We know that those who commit this type of crime can seem highly credible and they can be very convincing but it is really important that you remain suspicious and vigilant. If something doesn’t seem right, hang up immediately but do not use the same landline phone to call your bank or police as the fraudsters will keep the line open and will remain on the phone without you realising.

“We’d also urge relatives and friends of those who may be vulnerable to this type of crime to initiate a conversation with them about courier fraud, how it works, and how convincing these fraudsters can be so that we can ensure they do not fall victim to this crime.”

To report a crime of this nature, call 101 or 999. Alternatively, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.

The Rule of Six explained



October 2020
Wiltshire Council rule of six graphic

The rules on how many people can meet have been simplified.

The only rule that you now need to remember is to not participate in social gatherings of more than six people in any setting, indoors or outdoors.

In England children are not exempt from the rule of six.

This rule replaces the previous ban on participating in gatherings of more than 30 and the guidance on allowing two households to meet indoors.

The new rule means that, apart from a set of limited exemptions including work and education, any social gatherings of more than six people will be against the law.

Police will be able to disperse any such gatherings and fine individuals involved £200, doubling up to a maximum of £6,400.

It remains the case that organisers and facilitators of larger gatherings of more than 30 people – such as unlicensed music events – can be subject to fines of up to £10,000.

Venues following COVID-19 secure guidelines – such as places of worships, gyms, restaurants and other hospitality venues – can still hold more than six people in total. But within those venues, there must not be individual groups larger than six, and groups must not mix socially or form larger groups.

View the full list of exemptions

No more than 15 people can legally attend a marriage or civil partnership, even where this can be safely accommodated with social distancing in a COVID-19 secure venue. This is the maximum number for all attendees at the event, including the couple and guests. Anyone working is not included as part of the legal limit.

From 28 September, receptions and other celebrations for weddings and civil partnerships can continue to take place, but only in the form of a sit-down meal in a COVID-19 secure venue. No more than 15 people may attend. Such receptions must not take place in people’s private homes (or adjoining outdoor spaces like gardens), given that these will not have the same COVID-19 secure measures in place.

More information on the wedding guidance.

New campaign to prevent spread of coronavirus indoors this winter



October 2020
Wiltshire Council, Hands, Face, Space campaign

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an easy virus to kill when it is on skin. It is essential that everyone washes their hands more often, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

It is critical that everybody observes the following key behaviours:

· HANDS - Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds.

· FACE - Cover your face in enclosed spaces, especially where social distancing may be difficult and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

· SPACE - Stay two metres apart where possible, or one metre with extra precautions in place.

The ‘Hands, Face, Space’ campaign urges you to continue to wash your hands, cover your face and make space to control infection rates and avoid a second peak.

NHS COVID-19 App launching this week



September 2020
Logo for DBEIS

The NHS COVID-19 app will launch in England on Thursday 24 September.

In the run-up to the launch, the council is engaging with businesses and venues across the county to provide guidance for those required by law to print and display posters to help users of the app check in and record their presence.

The posters, which display a unique QR code for each setting, can be scanned by the app, which then saves information that can be used to help contact tracers in the event of an outbreak.

Settings that are currently required to keep records of visitors for contact tracing purposes must still maintain their own register to collect the contact details of those who have not, or could not, install the app.

Venues include facilities provided by local authorities and town and parish councils, including town and village halls, leisure centres, libraries, community and children’s centres.

Read more information about which venues in England should display the official NHS QR code poster.

Venues that are required to display the official NHS QR code poster can download and print the QR code posters from the Government website.

For further details on the announcement please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/venues-required-to-enforce-rule-of-6-nhs-qr-code-posters-and-contact-logs.

Top tips for parents as Back to School Booklet is published



August 2020
Front cover of Returning to School advice for parents booklet

Families thinking ahead to the start of the September term can find a range of advice and support in a Back to School booklet published by Wiltshire Council.

Schools have been busy preparing to ensure pupils can safely return and each school will be contacting families to set out how the new school day will work and providing practical advice.

Where possible pupils are being encouraged to walk and cycle to school. The council website also has a range of advice and FAQs on school transport as pupils return. There is information on dedicated school transport and pupils taking public transport.

People can find the Back to School Booklet here

People can find the information on school transport here

First Ever National Impact Survey Launched By Neighbourhood Watch



July 2020
NW national survey advert

Neighbourhood Watch Network is excited to launch our first National Impact Survey and we want EVERYONE to take part. It doesn't matter if you are part of Neighbourhood Watch or not, we want your views. It should take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Click on the link https://bit.ly/2XbuX8J.

2020 GP patient survey results published



July 2020
NHS Logo

NHS England together with Ipsos MORI have today published the latest Official Statistics from the GP Patient Survey. The survey provides information on patients’ overall experience of primary care services and their overall experience of accessing these services.

This is the ranking of Wiltshire area GPs from best to worst:

Mere Surgery, near Warminster - 99 per cent

Ramsbury Surgery - 99 per cent.

Old School House Surgery, Great Bedwyn - 98 per cent.

Burbage Surgery - 97 per cent.

Jubilee Field Surgery, Chippenham - 96 per cent.

Market Lavington Surgery - 95 per cent.

Lansdowne Surgery, Devizes - 95 per cent.

Rowden Surgery, Chippenham, 94 per cent.

Southbroom and St James, Devizes - 92 per cent.

Avon Valley, Pewsey - 92 per cent.

Courtyard Surgery, West Lavington - 91 per cent.

Spa Medical Practice, Melksham - 91 per cent.

The Porch practice, Corsham - 90 per cent.

The Lodge, Chippenham - 88 per cent.

Box Surgery, Corsham - 88 per cent.

Patford House, Calne - 85 per cent

Avenue Surgery, Warminster - 83 per cent.

Trowbridge Health Centre - 79 per cent.

Northlands, Calne - 79 per cent.

Giffords Surgery , Melksham - 78 per cent.

Bradford on Avon and Melksham Health Centre - 74 per cent.

White Horse Health Centre, Mane Way, Leigh Park,Westbury - 72 per cent.

Kennet and Avon Medical Practice Marlborough - 72 per cent.

You can look up your local surgery here

To read more about the survey click here

CCTV Released After Robbery At Devizes Bookmakers



July 2020
Community messaging and Wiltshire Police
We've released further CCTV images of a male we are trying to identify in relation to a recent robbery at a bookmakers in Devizes.

On Thursday 16 July at approximately 9.20pm, an unknown male wearing a hoodie and mask walked in to the Megabet shop in The Brittox and demanded money while threatening the male member of staff with what was believed to have been a weapon wrapped in a bag.

An amount of money was handed over to the male before he made off.

Please see CCTV images here of a male on a bike we would like to speak to in relation to this incident.

Det Sgt Robert Blake, who is leading the investigation, said: "A male on a bike was seen riding on the High Street and into the Brittox before entering the bookmakers and committing an armed robbery.
"He left via the same route out of the town centre.
"If you recognise this person or remember seeing him riding in or around the town before or after this incident please contact us."

If you can help, please call us on 101 quoting crime reference number 54200070073. Alternatively, you can report anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Two men have been arrested in connection with this incident and have been released under investigation. email

Message Sent By
Mark Jones (Police, Media Officer, Wiltshire)

Leisure Centres to start reopening next month



July 2020
Male on treadmill

Wiltshire Council have confirmed that from August 3rd their leisure centres will start to re-open in a phased programme.

See report below.

Two Men In Custody Following Robbery At Petrol Station In Devizes



July 2020
Community messaging and Wiltshire Police
Two people are in custody this morning following a robbery at a petrol station in Devizes.

Officers were called to the Esso Garage, The Nursery, shortly before 9.30pm last night (23/07) following a report that two men had entered the garage and demanded money was handed over from the till.

The men made off with nothing and nobody in the garage was injured but they were left shaken up.

An area search was conducted and two people matching the description given were located a short time later at The Wharf.

One of the men made off, while the other – a man in his 30s from Marlborough - was arrested on suspicion of robbery and taken to Melksham custody.

Further enquiries were conducted and the second man who is also aged in his 30s and from Devizes was located and arrested on suspicion of robbery at approximately 4.30am this morning.

Both remain in custody in Melksham for further questioning.

Det Insp Tom Straker said: “This was understandably a frightening experience for those involved and I appreciate it will no doubt cause concern amongst the local community. Please be reassured that officers were on scene within a matter of minutes and thanks to the descriptions given, were able to locate and arrest two individuals who we now have in custody.

“Enquiries are currently ongoing this morning. We believe the men entered the garage from the Waiblingen Way direction at approximately 9.20pm – if you saw or heard anything suspicious, please get in touch immediately.”

Call 101 and quote crime reference number 54200072799. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.email

Message Sent By
Philip Mackie (Police, Communications Officer, Wiltshire)

Families and friends to be reunited with loved ones in care homes as visits restart



July 2020
Old Lady Outdoors

Care home residents are set to be reunited with friends and family as visits begin again following the publication of new guidance on 22 July.

  • Care home residents will start to be reunited with their friends and family, where safe
  • Local directors of public health will, with their authorities, lead the decision-making process for care home visits
  • Thorough risk assessments will take place based on specific care homes and the community context
  • Appropriate safety precautions will be required, including face coverings, and social distancing measures

Care home residents are set to be reunited with friends and family as visits begin again following the publication of new guidance today (22 July).

The isolating effects of lockdown have been difficult for residents and families, but the rate of community transmission has fallen and care homes can now arrange visits based on new guidance to limit further outbreaks, and protect staff and residents.

These arrangements will be based on the advice set out in new guidance to limit any further outbreaks and protect staff and residents.

Local directors of public health will lead assessments on visiting within their local authority. They will be expected to take a measured, risk-assessed approach, considering the situation in specific care homes as well as the community context, including any local outbreaks.

Matt Hancock, Health and Social Care Secretary, said:

I know how painful it has been for those in care homes not being able to receive visits from their loved ones throughout this period.

We are now able to carefully and safely allow visits to care homes, which will be based on local knowledge and circumstances for each care home.

It is really important that we don’t undo all of the hard work of care homes over the last few months while ensuring families and friends can be safely reunited so we have put in place guidance that protects everyone.

Care home providers should encourage all visitors to wear a face covering and to wash their hands thoroughly before and after putting it on and taking it off.

Visitors should wear appropriate further PPE depending on the need of their visit, including gloves and aprons. Providers should also consider whether visits could take place in a communal garden or outdoor area, which can be accessed without anyone going through a shared building.

To limit risk where visits do go ahead, this should be limited to a single constant visitor, per resident, wherever possible. This is to limit the overall number of visitors to the care home and the consequent risk of infection.

Minister for Care Helen Whately said:

The social care workforce has gone above and beyond during the pandemic and I am hugely grateful to everyone working in care homes for all they have done to protect residents and staff and help save lives during these challenging times.

We know how important it is for families and friends to be able to visit their loved ones. This guidance sets out how families and residents can safely come together again.

The latest guidance maximises the input of local professionals, who will have the greatest awareness of community transmission in their area while taking into account the needs of individual residents.

It is expected all care homes will still only relax visiting arrangements for specific individual needs and continue to take the health protection of the whole care home as their main objective, but those wishing to visit should speak to the care homes before a planned visit.

Care homes should support NHS Test and Trace by keeping a temporary record, including address and phone number, of current and previous residents, staff and visitors as well as keeping track of visitor numbers and staff. It is recommended they have an arrangement to enable bookings or appointments for visitors – ad hoc visits should not be permitted.

Professor Jim McManus, Vice President of the Association of Directors of Public Health, said:

We know it is incredibly difficult to be separated from loved ones but the restrictions were essential to protect some of the most vulnerable people in our society. This new guidance will support directors of public health, working with directors of adult social care and the local care sector, to take a risk-based approach to enabling visits where possible whilst trying to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to – and between – care home residents, staff and the wider community.

Lisa Lenton, Chair, Care Providers Alliance:

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll in many ways. The effect of not being able to see friends and family has been very difficult and very upsetting for many – both for the people who access care and support, and for their loved ones who have been isolated.

The Care Provider Alliance welcomes this overdue guidance – the CPA has been calling for government guidance for many weeks and released its own visitors protocol last month in its absence. People need people and this is such an important step for the wellbeing of individuals and their relatives.

Jane Harris, Director of External Affairs, National Autistic Society:

Thousands of autistic people in residential care haven’t been able to see their families in months. Many will have found it very difficult to understand why their parents, siblings and other relatives have stopped coming to see them. Today’s news will come as a huge relief for many families across England who have been apart from their children and loved ones for far too long.

It’s vital that local decision makers now work with care homes to make visits possible, while ensuring everyone is kept safe, to finally reunite thousands of autistic people with their families.

This guidance received input from a number of stakeholders across social care and local government including Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society UK, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, Association of Directors of Public Health, Care England, Local Government Association, National Autistic Society and National Care Forum among others.

Background information

The guidance is published here

It will be updated as the risk posed by coronavirus continues to change. People should check this guidance at regular intervals to ensure they’re viewing the most recent version.

The decision on whether or not to allow visitors, and in what circumstances, is an operational decision and therefore ultimately for the provider and managers of each individual setting to make.

This decision should be based on the advice from the director of public health, as well as any additional advice or guidance from the local infection control lead from the clinical commissioning group (CCG), and the local Public Health England health protection team.

A constant visitor is a nominated person, a son, or wife for example, who can visit the resident.

Black Dog Crossroads - Consultation



July 2020
Car crash clipart

In February, Black Dog Crossroads was rated the 7th most dangerous junction in Wiltshire.  Since then there have been more accidents, thankfully without fatalities.  In February the responsible Wiltshire councillor was asked to ensure that the Parish Councils around the site be consulted about any risk reduction measures.  In June, Atkins, (the consultants that ignored local advice and proposed a 50mph speed limit between the Chocolate Poodle and Potterne), started assessing the junction.  You may have seen red markings on some of the kerb stones.  Currently the Parish Councils have not been contacted for advice.  When Wiltshire Council opens this process to public consultation, this will be publicised widely by the local Parish Councils so that people using the junction will be able to have their say on any proposals. 

Colin Osborn, Chair, Market Lavington Parish Council

Worton & Cheverell Youth FC resumes 1st August

Market Lavington


July 2020
Worton & Cheverell FC Logo

Great news!!! Badger cubs (4-6) , u7s and u8s training returns on 1st August 9am at Elisha field Market Lavington.

New players always welcome. 

Club Facebook page

Are You Shopping Online?



July 2020
Community Messaging and Action Fraud logos

Have you bought anything online recently?…

Almost 34% of all retail sales during May 2020 were carried out online, and new research suggests that only 16% of UK consumers intend to return to their old shopping habits post-lockdown.

Online shopping fraud during lockdown

Action Fraud, the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime, received over 16,000 reports relating to online shopping and auction fraud during the lockdown, with losses totalling over £16m. Members of the public have reported buying mobile phones (19%), vehicles (22%), electronics (10%) such as games consoles, AirPods and MacBooks , and footwear (4%) on sites such as eBay (18%), Facebook (18%), Gumtree (10%) and Depop (6%), only to have the items never arrive.

Top tips for shopping online securely:

Choosing where to shop:

If you’re making a purchase from a company or seller you don’t know and trust, carry out some research first. For example, by checking to see if others have used the site and what their experience was.

Email accounts:
Use a strong, separate password for your email account. Criminals can use
your email to access other online accounts, such as those you use for online shopping.

Scam messages:
Some of the emails or texts you receive about amazing offers may contain links to fake websites. Not all links are bad, but if you’re unsure don't use the link, go separately to the website. And remember, if a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Payment method:
If you decide to go ahead with the purchase, use a credit card if you have one as other payment providers may not provide the same protection.

What to do if you’ve fallen victim to online shopping fraud

We all make mistakes and these days the scams can be incredibly convincing.

If you think you’ve visited, or made a purchase on, a bogus website, you should first, take a note of the website's address, then close down your internet browser. You should then report the details to Action Fraud and contact your bank to seek advice.

Whether you've been a victim of fraud will depend on how much information you’ve provided to the website, so keep an eye on your bank transactions, if you can. Contact your bank immediately about anything that you don’t recognise, even small amounts.

For more information about how to stay safe online, please visitwww.actionfraud.police.uk/cybercrime

Robbery At Bookmakers In Devizes



July 2020
Community Messaging & Wiltshire Police

We've released CCTV images of a male we are trying to identify in relation to a robbery at a bookmakers in Devizes yesterday evening (16/07).

At just after 9pm , an unknown male wearing a hoodie and mask walked in to the Megabet shop in The Brittox and demanded money while threatening the male member of staff with what was believed to have been a weapon wrapped in a bag.

An amount of money was handed over to the male before he made off.

Fortunately, the employee was shaken but not hurt in the incident.

Det Sgt Robert Blake, who is leading the investigation, said: "We would like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed this robbery yesterday evening.
"It would have been relatively quiet in the town at this time but I believe someone may have heard or seen something out of the ordinary - either while walking in this area or possibly driving near to The Brittox around this time. It was still light so anything suspicious would have been obvious.
"Also, if you recognise this male in these attached images please come forward."

If you can help, please contact us on 101 quoting crime reference number 54200070073. Alternatively, you can report anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Images can be viewed here.email

Message Sent By
Mark Jones (Police, Media Officer, Wiltshire)

Green Dragon re-opening plans - latest update

Market Lavington


July 2020
Green Dragon Market Lavington Logo

You might have been wondering what our plans are regarding re-opening. As you may or not be aware, Steve sadly passed away on the 19th of June, so plans to open have not been so simple.
We do, however, plan to start opening a few hours each evening from Tuesday 21st July and most drinks will be available.
Our team have been working hard to get things ready, so you can feel safe to return. Here are just some of the things we have done so far:

  • Meticulously cleaned every glass, dish and item of cutlery
  • Organised a new layout in the pub to allow for a safe distance to be kept
  • Disinfected and deep-cleaned everywhere including all the upholstery and tables
  • Created a new layout in the garden
  • Carried out a full risk assessment which can be seen here.
  • Passed the "We're Good To Go" scheme
  • Registered to take part in the "Eat Out, Help Out" scheme for August

Once we re-open, here are some of the important changes to note:

  • We have implemented a one-way system which means you will only be able enter the pub from the main door on the High Street.
  • We will not be allowing under 18's on the premises (including in the garden) to begin with.
  • Dogs will be allowed in the garden, but must be kept on a lead at all times. We will be monitoring this and may have to change this policy if it becomes unmanageable.
  • You will need to give us your details on arrival and and we are required to keep these for 21 days after each visit.
  • You will no longer be able to place orders for food and drink at the bar, instead ordering from our staff or – preferably – via a web-based app which you will be able to access on your smartphone.
  • Movement around the pub and garden will be limited. Once you have been allocated a table you will need to remain seated and if you need to use the facilities you will need to check with a member of staff that they are not in use.
  • The food menu will be limited initially, while we catch up with our suppliers and are able to get everything up and running as smoothly as possible.
  • Apart from light snacks such as chips, all customers wishing to eat must book a table either by calling or booking via our website.
  • We would prefer you to pay with card as much as possible in order to avoid unnecessary cash-handling.
  • Our opening hours will be different to before. Please check our website for further details
  • VAT has been reduced to 5% on food, snacks, soft drinks and accommodation and we will be passing these savings onto you.

We do look forward to welcoming you back and trying to resume trade at the village pub. Please remember to follow the rules, be considerate of others and give us any feedback to help us provide an environment which helps you and our team members feel safe .

Thanks for your continued patience while we wait to reopen properly. We look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Crime Prevention Advice For Van Owners Following Spate of Thefts



July 2020
Community Messaging & Wiltshire Police

We are advising van owners to be vigilant following a spate of vehicle break-ins across Wiltshire over the past month.

We have received numerous reports of work vans being broken into and tools stolen, stretching across the county from the Trowbridge and Melksham areas, down to Salisbury.

PC Jay Greenland said: "We are seeing a spike in reports of thefts from vans, with large quantities of tools stolen.

"We are carrying out extensive enquiries as we believe many of these crimes are likely to have been carried out by the same people, who are targeting different areas across the county.

"We know the inconvenience, disruption and financial hardship these types of thefts cause, with victims not only losing the tools themselves, but also their means to earning a living - which is particularly difficult during these uncertain economic times.

"There are steps that you can take to help protect your vehicle and your tools, so please make sure you are aware of our crime prevention advice."

Our crime prevention advice is as follows:
1. Keep your vehicle locked, windows shut and your keys secure
2. Park in a well-lit area and in clear view of your property and any CCTV cameras.
3. Do not leave any valuables such as wallets, phones, Sat Navs etc. on display.
4. Consider fitting a tool safe and secure it with good quality locks.
5. Try to park your van close to a building or hedge to restrict access.
6. If possible, remove all tools from the van when it is left overnight.
7. Take photographs of items of value and make a note of serial numbers.
8. Consider fitting an alarm that is Secured by Design accredited.
9. Mark the items of property/tools that are stored in the vehicle using an artificial DNA property marker such as Smartwater or SelectaDNA.
10. Call 999 immediately if you see a crime in progress or any suspicious activity around trade vans. Note the registration numbers of vehicles and descriptions of those involved.email

Message Sent By
Siobhan Stayt (Police, Media Officer, Wiltshire)

Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can't do



July 2020
Gov.UK logo

This is national guidance that applies to England only – people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should follow the specific rules in those parts of the UK. If you live in an area that is experiencing a local COVID-19 outbreak and where local lockdown measures have been imposed, different guidance and legislation will apply. Please consult the local lockdown restrictions page to see if any restrictions are in place in your area.

The government has set out its plan to return life to as near normal as we can, for as many people as we can, as quickly and fairly as possible in order to safeguard livelihoods, but in a way that continues to protect our communities and our NHS.

The government has published guidance on staying alert and staying safe outside your home. This page sets out key FAQs to cover the next set of changes planned from 11 July. 

Read the guidance here

Healthwatch Wiltshire - Gathering local people's views of Health, Care and Community Services during the pandemic.



July 2020
Healthwatch Wiltshire wristbands

Wiltshire Residents – please share your views about Health, Care and Community Services during the pandemic by completing this survey by Sunday 12th July

Healthwatch Wiltshire are asking how has the coronavirus outbreak affected you and your loved ones? Share your experiences of health, care and community services during the pandemic. What's working well and what could be better? You can complete the online survey at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/WiltsCoronavirus/

The survey can also be completed over the phone - call 01225 434218 to arrange and a member of the Healthwatch Wiltshire team will call you back

Survey closes Sunday 12th July.

You can also share this from our Facebook page here Healthwatch Wiltshire

Public urged to act responsibly ahead of pubs reopening



July 2020
Wiltshire Council check pub is open

Wiltshire Council have joined forces with Wiltshire Police to remind residents to play their part and act responsibly when pubs reopen this weekend.

At the end of June, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that pubs, restaurants, and hotels could reopen from 4 July. Several other businesses will also be allowed to reopen, such as barbers, hair salons and cinemas.
Whilst this is a positive step forward in revitalising the economy and showing that Wiltshire is open for business, it is important the public continue to take extra precautions to stop coronavirus from spreading and ensure they act responsibly at this time as anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.  

As the licensing authority Wiltshire Council have an important role in ensuring pubs and restaurants are opening with the right conditions in place and adhering to social distancing guidelines. 

To help with the reopening, the government will also relax the two metre social distancing rule, replacing it with ‘one metre plus’ in situations where keeping two metres apart is not possible.  This means people can maintain one metre apart, as long as other measures are put in place to limit the transmission of the virus. These include wearing a face mask or covering, installing plastic screens, and providing extra handwashing facilities.

Wiltshire Council dismisses lockdown suggestions



July 2020
Wiltshire council new logo

Wiltshire Council have dismissed suggestions the county could be one of the next locations in the country to go into lockdown.

Media reports this week had stated there had been a recent weekly increase of new cases in the county of 300%. However this actually equates to an increase from one to four new cases.

Since the start of the pandemic until 26 June there has been 550 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Wiltshire Council area, still comparatively low nationally, and the South West remains the lowest ranked region for cases. Wiltshire Council also has the sixth lowest rate of cases per 100,000 resident population with 110.4 cases per 100,000. This data is taken from the Public Health Coronavirus Case website https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/#category=utlas&map=rate

We have now published our Local Outbreak Management Plan which will build on local expertise and effective health protection processes that are already in place and outlines how the council and partners will positively engage with the public so they’re fully aware and supportive of the crucial part they have to play in the process.

The government has identified seven themes that are deemed essential to plans to manage an outbreak effectively. They are:

  • Care homes and schools
  • Identify high risk settings, communities and places
  • Local testing capacity
  • Contact tracing
  • Data integration
  • Vulnerable people
  • Governance

We will work with the government to support test and trace services in local communities, taking a place-based approach to containing the spread of the infection as much as possible.

Effective governance will also play a critical part of the process. A Wiltshire Outbreak Engagement Board will be set up imminently, chaired by myself, and this will ensure that local residents and other stakeholders in the public, private and third sectors all understand and support the need to comply with the rules and principles designed to prevent viral transmission.

Today (1 July) Kate Blackburn Interim Director for Public Health at Wiltshire Council, said "Following our update yesterday (30 June 2020) about media reports suggesting there was the potential for a local lockdown in Wiltshire I wanted to respond to some queries we've had about pillar 2 testing results. We do have access to these results locally and have been using them in all of our local planning.

"Please be reassured that even including pillar 2 confirmed test results the number of confirmed cases in Wiltshire remains extremely low. On a daily basis we review a number of different reports and data with our Public Health England colleagues. Should there be any issues there are alert systems in place.

"The most important thing we can do as a community at the moment is to stick to the national guidance around social distancing and maintain good hand hygiene.

"I would like to thank you for your continued support at this time."

You can read more about testing on GOV.UK.

You can see a video version of Kate's statement on our YouTube channel.

Your views sought on plans to reopen library services safely



July 2020
WC complete our survey graphic

We are seeking your views to help with our planning for reopening library services safely in the county during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The library service in Wiltshire was temporarily closed, due to the COVID-19 pandemic on 20 March. The existing eBooks, eMagazines and eAudio service continues providing access to reading material, and on 27 March a new service launched via Facebook offering rhyme times, tea and chat, bedtime stories and online book groups. At the start of June, the Home Library service was relaunched, serving library members shielding and without digital access to download books; this service is currently used by approximately 100 people. The online library content produced since lockdown has so far generated more than 83,000 views and we appreciate everyone’s support.

To make sure the library services the council provides meets your safely and are as innovative in their delivery as possible, we would like to hear your ideas and feedback on how to reopen the services, so we can shape a service that suits you during this time.

During this challenging time the council has to manage its resources carefully and has put forward three possible options for how the service might operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. You are also encouraged to provide your own ideas to help the council deliver the most appropriate service in the circumstances and within the council’s current financial resources.

The possible options take into account COVID-19 guidelines and social distancing measures, resources available and the council’s current financial pressures – meaning that there will be a partial and phased reopening of library services.

The possible options being considered include:

Option 1
An order and collect service
This involves customers contacting the library service by email/phone to request books or other materials that they wish to borrow. This might include specific authors or topics such as crime or autobiographies. These would then be collected in person from a library.

This would operate from 10 August at some main library hubs in Wiltshire, and in each of the 18 community areas across the county by the end of September. This means that 20 libraries could potentially be open by the end of September, subject to staff and finances being available.

Option 2
An order and collect service with bookable computer access

The order and collect service as detailed above and the ability to pre-book a computer session for those without access to the internet.

This would operate from 10 August at some main library hubs in Wiltshire and in each community area across the county by the end of September.

Option 3

A socially distanced service offering the public some access to browse stock and use computers. This would operate in up to six libraries from the end of August and a maximum of a further four, subject to staff capacity and social distancing requirements.

A four-week public consultation got underway from 29 June 2020. Hard copies will be made available at County Hall, Trowbridge; Monkton Park, Chippenham; and Bourne Hill, Salisbury. The consultation closes on 26 July 2020.

Following analysis of the feedback received, the favoured option will likely be introduced initially for a six-month period from 10 August. Monthly reviews will also be carried out to assess how the impact of COVID-19 is changing, the financial impact of operating, lessons learnt and the opportunities for change.

In the meantime, we have a range of online resources to keep you busy.

Council tax payments resume for those who deferred



June 2020
Council Tax Bill

Residents who decided to defer council tax payments as a result of COVID-19 have been reminded that payments are starting again this month.

In March, we gave all residents the option to defer paying council tax in April and May to help ease any financial pressure they were under at the time. In total, more than 5,800 households took up this offer.

For those who pay via direct debit, this will automatically be taken from their bank account. Otherwise, people should pay in accordance with the various payment methods shown on their bill. If anyone is still struggling to pay at the present time, they should contact Wiltshire Council on 0300 456 0109 or email counciltax@wiltshire.gov.uk to discuss the options available to them.

 Read more: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/news/articles/council-tax-resumes

Police and Crime Plan - 2020 Update



June 2020
Community Messaging & Wiltshire Police

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon has reaffirmed his commitment to protecting the public and frontline community policing in his final term.

Earlier this year, Angus Macpherson announced he would be staying on as Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Wiltshire and Swindon following the Government's decision to postpone PCC elections until 2021.

As a result, Angus has refreshed his Police and Crime Plan to set a clear, strategic direction for Wiltshire Police and provide the communities of Wiltshire and Swindon reassurance that they will continue to receive excellent policing services.

The areas of focus within the plan, which have been emphasised in the refresh, include protecting the public by increasing and safeguarding community policing assets and ensuring that new resources are prioritised for use within our neighbourhoods, focusing more on protecting our rural communities and ensuring our communities are fully engaged and listened to.

The overarching priorities remain as follows:

  • Priority One - Prevent crime and keep people safe
  • Priority Two - Protect the most vulnerable people in society
  • Priority Three - Put victims, witnesses and communities at the heart of everything we do
  • Priority Four - Secure a quality police service that is trusted and efficient.

Angus said: "At the heart of everything we do must be the community that we serve so I wanted to fully demonstrate my commitment to local policing by ensuring that Wiltshire Police protects frontline community police officer and Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) numbers.

"My commitment has been supported by our community through increases in local council tax.

"At the end of 2018/19, Wiltshire Police had 934 police officers and 131 PCSOs. In 2019/20 the precept increase supported an additional 41 police officers whilst protecting PCSO numbers.

"With both national funding and local precept increases police officer numbers will increase to 1,050 and PCSOs will continue to be protected for 2020/21.

"Local policing will see the majority of this increase with 72 additional officers in place by March 2021.

"Engaging with our communities must remain another focus for me, my office and Wiltshire Police - now more than ever as we continue to navigate through the global COVID-19 pandemic.

"I want our communities to know we are here to listen and to help with regards to all aspects of the criminal justice system.

"I am elected to represent the public's views on policing so communicating and engaging with our local communities, service users, the vulnerable and victims of crime, community groups, partners and other stakeholders is an important part of my role and informs me in delivering my role.

"My updated plan also includes greater emphasis on protecting children and young people from harm. We all have a responsibility to ensure those who might not have a voice for themselves are protected and safeguarded at all times.

"It is also important that our police estate and buildings are able to support 21 Century policing which is why I have commissioned a new sustainability strategy to understand and reduce our impact upon the environment.

"To help deliver this refreshed plan, I have made the decision to extend Chief Constable Kier Pritchard's contract up to December 2023.

"Mr. Pritchard has done an excellent job in the face of a number of unprecedented demands on our police service and his leadership has been outstanding. I am confident that he, alongside his executive leadership team, will continue to build on the great work being done in the Force and focus on the priorities in my plan. I look forward to working with him throughout my final year."email

Message Sent By
Shea D'arcy (Police, Communications Officer, Wiltshire)

Dauntsey Academy Primary School suffers mindless damage during lockdown

West Lavington


June 2020
Dauntsey Academy Primary School

Devizes Officers have received reports from Dauntsey Academy Primary School and the neighbouring Pre School that damage is being caused to the site over recent weekends and after school hours.

It is distressing to report that unknown persons have opened sheds, damaged equipment and trashed the forest school.

Teachers are under enough pressure to look after and educate our children in the current Covid circumstances, it is unacceptable that they are being targeted.

Please if you live in West Lavington and surrounding villages, keep an eye on where your children are hanging out.

If you have any information regarding these incidents please contact us on 101 and quote Crime reference number 54200054812. Many Thanks

Covid-19 Healthy Lifestyle for Older People



June 2020
Healthy lifestyle for older people - Covid-19

Wiltshire Council have created a healthy lifestyle guide that is aimed at older people during COVID-19 whilst social distancing measures are in place and more time is being spent in their own homes.

The guide can help with healthy eating, as well as the importance of hydration and physical exercise, and how this will all contribute to preventing the risk of falls during this time of social distancing, and also in the future.

If you or your organisation would like hard copies of the summary leaflet to distribute to older people who may find them useful, please contact Richard.Rogers@wiltshire.gov.uk.”

To download the leaflet click here 

New rules when visiting your doctor's surgery from today

The Lavingtons


June 2020
NHS Logo

With immediate effect, we are asking all patients attending Market Lavington or Courtyard Surgery to wear a face covering.  Government advice for the general public is to wear a face covering where social distancing is not possible (this does not apply to children under 11, people with disabilities or those with breathing difficulties). Evidence suggests that wearing a face covering may provide some protection for others you come into close contact with.  Also, if you have a face to face appointment, please come alone where possible and you will be required to disinfect your hands with an alcohol gel when entering the building.  Surgeries are operating a Total Triage System.  Practices must minimise face-to-face contact with patients.  You may be asked to have an online or video consultation instead of a face-to-face appointment.  Thank you for your help and cooperation.

Market Lavington Surgery

Courtyard Surgery

Open Letter To Residents from PCC, Wiltshire Police and Neighbourhood Watch



June 2020
Community Messaging & Wiltshire Police

Dear residents, Today sees the start of Neighbourhood Watch Week. The theme this year is ‘Let’s Stay Connected’ - and there has never been a more important time to keep in touch with our friends, family and neighbours.

The uncertainty and restrictions brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic will have left many members of our community feeling lonely and isolated in their own homes. Now, more than ever, it is crucial we stay connected to our neighbours by making a phone call, sending a message on social media or simply saying hello over the fence. Little acts of kindness or simply checking in with isolated members of our community can go a long way, particularly in times of crisis.

In Wiltshire and Swindon, we have already seen a surge in neighbourliness as people look out for the vulnerable and have started talking to their neighbours more than ever – a silver lining to the cloud COVID-19 has cast over our daily lives. We want to continue this trend of kindness in our communities and ensure that we capitalise on the ‘new normal’ by not just being good neighbours now, but also in the future.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch members across the county who have responded magnificently in support of their local communities and most vulnerable residents. Neighbourhood policing has also played a vital role during the pandemic in reassuring communities and being a friendly face that the public can trust.

We cannot underestimate the significance we all play in supporting the principles of community safety and looking out for one another. Particularly this week, but also as we move into the ‘new normal’; let’s stay connected, let’s check in with our neighbours (at a distance of course!) and let’s be kind.

For more information on ‘Neighbourhood Watch Week – Let’s Stay Connected’, please visit https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/letsstayconnected .


Angus Macpherson, Wiltshire and Swindon Police and Crime Commissioner

Superintendent Phil Staynings, Wiltshire Police

Paul Sunners, Chair Wiltshire NHW Association

Royal Mail confirm they will re-start deliveries of letters and parcels from June 13th



June 2020
Royal Mail logo

Royal Mail has announced that the delivery of standard and large letters will resume from this week.

A post on their website it states: "We will resume the six-day-a-week delivery of letters and parcels from June 13."

For more information go to https://www.royalmail.com/d8/saturday-services

Coronavirus regional testing site open in Salisbury



June 2020
Salisbury Beehive Test Centre

A drive-through coronavirus testing facility at the Beehive Park & Ride in Salisbury, as part of the Government's UK-wide drive to increase testing, opened at the weekend.

Anyone experiencing a new, continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of or change in their normal sense of smell or taste, can book an appointment on the NHS website or by calling 119 to be tested for whether they currently have coronavirus.

The site sits alongside the existing network of testing sites being set up around the UK. The facility will be piloted for its first few days of operation.

For more information go to http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/news/articles/coronavirus-regional-testing-site-open-in-salisbury

Photo: Wiltshire Council

Wiltshire Council launch booking system for HRCs from June 8th



June 2020
Wiltshire Council new HRC pre-booking notice

On Thursday Wiltshire Council are launching a household recycling centre (HRC) online booking system. You’ll be able to advance book slots from Thursday for visits from Monday 8 June. As of Monday, you can’t visit a HRC without a booking – you must book a slot online in advance and bring ID.
Other changes from Monday:
New opening times.
Stanton St Quinton HRC is reopening.
HRCs can now accept soil, rubble, plasterboard and, with notice, asbestos (some sites only).
Other restrictions – including no trailers or vehicles 3.5 tonnes or over, and only one person can get out of the car – remain in place.
The postcode entry system remains in place until Monday.
Info and FAQs: http://orlo.uk/yNCDV

Police Warning Following Mass Bike Gathering

Salisbury Plain


June 2020
Community Messaging & Wiltshire Police

Officers covering the Salisbury Plain area are warning off-road motor bikers that if they break the law by riding dangerously and illegally they will be dealt with by Wiltshire Police.

Yesterday (31/05), a large number of riders with off-road motorcycles and quad bikes gathered on the plain around the Upavon and Everleigh areas.

We first received reports of numerous vans carrying the bikes turning up at approximately 11am.

Officers attended the areas and four Traffic Offence Reports were given to riders of the bikes and drivers of the vans.

Three vans were also seized and impounded.

Sgt James Osment said: "We dealt with a number of riders and drivers yesterday who were causing a nuisance around parts of Salisbury Plain by riding uninsured vehicles with no MOTs.
"This type of anti-social behaviour is not only dangerous but illegal and won't be tolerated by us nor the local community. The message to anyone who comes here and rides illegally is that we will deal with you and seek to prosecute you.
"Our job is to protect the community we serve and we will do that by enforcing the law around the illegal use of these machines.
"This isn't us being killjoys, we are more than happy for people to ride on the legal byways, so long as the motorbikes are taxed, MOT'd and insured."

Message Sent By
Mark Jones (Police, Media Officer, Wiltshire)

Wildfire risk raised to "Extreme"



May 2020
Wildfire risk

The wildfire risk has currently been raised to 'Extreme' conditions not seen here for many years. Please take extra caution around:

Littering, Disposable BBQs, Cigarettes, Glassware.

Campfires, Bonfires becoming out of control.

Cars parked on verges - heat and exhaust igniting very dry grass.

Dorset & Wilts Fire & Rescue Service have asked that you do not have barbecues or naked flames in the open countryside! Please take any litter and glass items home with you.  Discarded glass can act like a magnifying glass and cause fires.  The risk is too great. DWFire Facebook Page

Lavington dad and daughter star in Channel 4 documentary

Market Lavington


May 2020
Carmela Chillery-Watson filmed by CH4 crew.

Important information regarding your water supply after lockdown



May 2020
Wessex Water

Important information regarding your water supply after lockdown

The lockdown restrictions in place over the last couple of months has meant several business premises have been forced to close which means water within the building plumbing systems will have been left stagnant. This can cause the water quality to deteriorate within the plumbing system in a number of ways:

· Warming of water

· Growth of micro-organisms (e.g. bacteria, legionella)

· Increased leaching of metals found in plumbing (could cause discolouration)

· Taste and odour from prolonged contact with some plumbing materials

We would like to bring to your attention the steps that should be taken to remove any stagnant water and renew your water supply before your workforce return to work and use the water.

1) Identify all items that use water within the building (taps, showers, appliances, toilets, urinals, drinks machines, bathrooms, etc) and any water storage (tanks and cisterns). Anything storing water should be emptied and refilled first.

2) Then gently flush all cold-water outlets individually starting with the tap nearest to where the water enters the building and move systematically to the most distant outlet including flushing toilets. Flush until the water is cool to the touch or the same temperature as the water closest to where it enters the building.

3) Minimise the potential of creating aerosols by flushing gently, removing aerators, shower heads and any other tap inserts or attachments. Close toilet seat lids before flushing.

4) If there are any outlets that require servicing or cleaning by an external contractor (e.g. coffee machines, soft drinks machines) switch off the supply to them and do not use until a contractor can visit.

5) Ensure appliances are flushed and internal filters and softeners are checked to ensure they are flushed and working correctly as outlined in manufacturer’s instructions.

6) Once the cold water has flushed through, repeat the process with the hot water outlets.

If you have a water safety plan for the premises, this should include how to return the building water system to normal following prolonged low/no use.

Complex systems involving chemical dosing systems (eg swimming pools and spa pools) please enlist the services of a professional to service the system and return to normal operation.

For more information please see the link below:

Water UK - Recovering drinking water supplies in buildings and networks after prolonged inactivity guidance document


Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – Legionella and Legionnaires’ disease


If you have any specific concerns or queries regarding your water quality, please reply to this email with your question.

If you have any other enquiries regarding billing or metering, please contact your water retailer who provide your bill.

Kind Regards

Wessex Water Regulations Team

Wessex Water


Household recycling centres re-opening with postcode entry system on Monday 18th May



May 2020
Household recycling centres postcode entry system

Household recycling centres to reopen with postcode entry system All of Wiltshire's household recycling centres (HRCs), bar Stanton St Quintin, will reopen on Monday 18 May with an easy to use postcode entry system to help limit the number of people on site at any time and ensure social distancing. Stanton St Quintin HRC will remain closed because parking spaces on site have been significantly reduced and because of the already difficult traffic management issues at the site. This will be kept under review and in the meantime people should use the Purton, Melksham or Lower Compton sites.

People should only visit HRCs on the days that correspond to the first part of their postcode. For example, if your postcode starts in BA12, you can only visit the sites on Monday 18 May, Wednesday 20 May etc - see table.

You can visit any Wiltshire site you choose, so while you are limited by the days you can attend, you can attend any Wiltshire household recycling centre on these days – though please be sure to check the latest opening times before you set off, as many sites will need to operate very differently to previous arrangements. You may be asked to provide a proof of address in order to use the household recycling centre, so please bring it with you.

To keep staff and residents safe, there are a significant number of changes in place to ensure social distancing can be maintained at all HRCs, including: Visitors must keep at least two metres from others at all times. One person per car. No entry for trailers or large vans over 3.5 tonnes. Vehicles allowed on site on a ‘one in, one out’ basis. No pedestrian access. HRCs cannot accept soil, rubble, plasterboard, textiles or asbestos during this initial reopening phase. Don’t bring recyclable materials that can be collected through the council’s kerbside recycling collection service.

Find out more, including FAQs.

Teacher and team turn out 2,000 NHS masks from his kitchen table in Lavington

Market lavington


April 2020
Kevin McGuinness and son Euan

When Kevin McGuiness started producing protective visors for NHS staff at home he thought he might make a few dozen. But so far Mr McGuiness from Market Lavington, near Devizes, has raised more than £20,000 in donations and has produced more than 2,000 masks for frontline health workers. Mr McGuiness, who is deputy head of St Joseph’s School, Salisbury, now has a team working with him to build the masks and is determined to keep working around the clock all the time the demand still exists. His headteacher Rachel Ridley said she had been moved to tears by the work of Kevin and his team of volunteers. She said: “The hours they are putting in is awe inspiring.The incredible donations given by members of the public and companies who are all struggling financially has also moved me to tears.” Mr McGuinness said: “I am blown away by the generosity of people.”

A new website www.visors.info has been set up for donations and requests.

From Gazette & Herald, Devizes issue 27th April 2020 Website.  Photo: Gazette & Herald.

New Parish Council Website Goes Live

Market Lavington


April 2020
Website home page

The New website for Market Lavington Parish Council has ben unveiled today.  We hope that you like it and find it informative.  We would be happy to receive feedback.  Please use the Contact Us section of this website.

Heroic carers leave families

Littleton Panell


April 2020
Carers and residents of Haven Care Home

CARE workers at a home in Littleton Panell are choosing to look after their elderly patients ahead of their own families in an amazing response to the coronavirus lockdown.

Many of the 18 staff at The Haven Care Home are saying farewell to their own families, and packing their bags for a three-week stint on duty.  More information here.

Photo Gazette & Herald